Print Graphics

A selection of print graphics published in the Vancouver Sun.
B.C. Election 2024

Live updating results from B.C.’s 2024 election.
Who's running in my riding?

Find your riding, candidates and previous election results in B.C.
Non-binary teens

Data comic explores non-binary youth results from B.C.’s teen health survey.
Low-income seniors

Investigation into inadequate rent support for low-income seniors.
IIO charges

Investigation into how rarely police accused of crimes face charges.
B.C. wildfire map

Web app tracks wildfires, PM2.5 levels and evaculation orders in B.C.
Urban forest loss

Analysis of urban forest loss in Metro Vancouver using satellite data.
Metro’s heat islands

Satellite data highlights temperature inequalities in Metro Vancouver.
COVID-19 in B.C.

Series of data visualizations highlighting key COVID-19 metrics.
Election spending

Analysis of political campaign ads run on Facebook during B.C.’s 2020 provincial elections.
VPD salaries

Analysis of growing salary costs at the Vancouver police department.
Taser use in B.C.

Police use-of-force data shows Taser use in B.C. rose to its highest level in a decade.
Yucho Chow

Multimedia feature on the go-to photographer for marginalized communities in early 20th century Vancouver.
Instagram parks

Instagram “Likes” are a strong predictor of attendance at many B.C. provincial parks.
Brewery bike tours

An algorithm generated the shortest bike routes to visit every brewery in Vancouver.
The Daily 360

360 Videos produced for “The Daily 360” virtual reality video series at The New York Times.
Nimrud’s Riches

WebVR-based exploration of the Islamic State’s destruction of the archaeological site of Nimrud in Iraq.
Ground Zero Reborn
360 video takes viewers to the site of the fallen World Trade Center 15 years after 9/11.
Honor Killings

Visualization of a database compiled by The AP of hundreds of cases of women killed in so-called honor killings in Pakistan.
USS Gerald Ford

Multimedia feature documents the USS Gerald Ford, the U.S. Navy’s next-generation aircraft carrier.
Summer Symphony
Join Alan Gilbert, Music Director of the NY Philharmonic, on stage and surrounded by by the orchestra in this 360 video experience.
The Second Line
360 video documents a second line parade organized in response to the gun violence that plagues New Orleans. Produced in collaboration with RYOT News.
Rush Delivery

Multimedia feature documents Worldport, the world’s largest automated sorting facility.
Seeking Home
360 video documents a camp in northern France where migrants and refugees wait, hoping to make it to the U.K. Produced in collaboration with RYOT News.
The Suite Life

VR and 3D tours of accomodations and suites that highlight the luxury accommodations available to the super-rich. Also available for Gear VR.
Modern slavery

Stories of men freed from conditions of modern day slavery following a Pulitzer winning investigation by the AP into the Thai fishing industry.
Weegee’s New York

A series of before and after images show the industrialized, pre-gentrified New York of legendary New York crime photographer Weegee.
Road to Paektu

Photo essay from a road trip across North Korea taken by AP journalists. 2014 SND Award of Excellence for single-subject features.
Two Koreas

Comparing the development of North and South Korea in the decades following the Korean War.
Old world portraits

A series of portraits, interviews and charts explore the future and fears of an ageing global population.
2012 election map

2012 Presidential Election map, as seen on NPR.